Worku, a church worker in Ethiopia, is using Talking Bibles for ministry and people are listening!No one would listen to Worku when he preached. Because few of the 4,000 people in his rural community can read, they did not trust his word for what the Bible says. His ministry was suffering, while people stopped coming to church.
Then Worku received a Talking Bible and everything changed! When he played his Talking Bible in villages, people would stop to hear. Now when he goes out to meet with the people, everyone wants to listen. They are fascinated to hear God’s Word speaking to them in their language. Worku’s church is growing with many people becoming new believers.
Worku and his fellow evangelists are planting seeds in the villages through Talking Bible listening groups. They form groups of ten to twenty people and assign a leader to each group. The group listens to the Talking Bible and the leader leads discussion. If there are questions, Worku will come and help with the group.
The evangelists also invite people to a common meeting place where they have coffee and listen to the Talking Bible. Meeting and drinking coffee is a tradition, so it is easy to get people to come. It is a wonderful time to listen and discuss the Talking Bible.
Worku says many people are being blessed by the Talking Bible. He and his fellow evangelists are having great success in playing the Talking Bible for the non-reading people in their area. God is blessing their work and they are reaching many non-believers with His Word and His saving grace. Praise the Lord!
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