God’s Word is shining light in the darkness, piercing through oppression, suspicion, prejudice, and lack of education.All over India people bow down to stone gods and worship at altars. They are slaves to religious rituals and live in spiritual darkness. Only God’s Word can penetrate this darkness.
People feel overwhelmed with joy and happiness when they listen to a Talking Bible and learn about Jesus! The heaviness lifts and the darkness is gone. Praise God for his goodness!
Mariama received a Talking Bible several months ago. I had the chance to meet with her a few weeks ago. She spoke to me about her Talking Bible with a beautiful smile on her face and the Talking Bible held tightly in her hands. Joyfully she expresses how happy she is with her Talking Bible. “We listen every day. Every day!” she repeats.
Mariama cannot read. Nor can anyone in her family. She says not having an education is like darkness. But the Talking Bible has transformed that darkness to light. “This Bible has taken away my spiritual blindness and took me from darkness to light,” she explains. “It is light to my eyes.”
There are seven members in Mariama’s family. She is the only believer so far. Her two daughters and two sons listen to the Talking Bible with her. She is praying they will also come to believe as they listen and learn about God’s love for them.
Mariama’s pastor gave her the Talking Bible. Now she counts it as one of her most valuable possessions. She had never had access to a Bible like this before. Mariama feels fortunate to have it so she can listen and grow in her faith. She wants to share her Talking Bible with others so they can also learn of God’s love and feel His hand in the coming days.
The majority of people in India live in spiritual darkness. The animosity toward Christian missionaries makes it almost impossible to tell people about God’s love for them.
The Talking Bible is uniquely capable to help these missionaries. People are fascinated to hear words in their heart language coming out of this little device. They want to listen and hear what it is saying. Missionaries tell us that in villages where they may be beaten, a Talking Bible can be quietly brought in and played as people hear and gather to listen.
The Talking Bible is making inroads into some of the spiritually darkest areas and bringing the light of God’s love to the Indian people.
Will you help us place Talking Bibles into these areas? Without your help, they may never hear of God’s love and saving Grace. You may not be able to travel to India but you can help spread God’s Word to places hostile to Christians where the people live in bondage and darkness.
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