Krupa lives amongst the forested hills of the Odisha state in India. He is a farmer who travels between different villages, selling his cultivated vegetables.
It was not uncommon for him to hear people talking about the gods in the different village marketplaces he visited.
Yet one day, about nine years ago, Krupa heard about a different God and His Son, Jesus, who had somehow risen from the dead after being killed.
As he began hearing more and more about this Jesus in different villages, Krupa began to believe more and more.
Soon Krupa decided to follow Jesus. Krupa was the only person in his village to make such a decision.
Many people in his village were offended when he stopped following their gods. They made life difficult for Krupa, but he did not care.
Krupa was baptized and began to tell his whole family about the Gospel; they also all chose to believe in Jesus; since then, they have all been blessed.
Before long, a visiting Pastor came to Krupa's family. With those few believers, a small church was formed! The Pastor would teach on Sundays, and they would tell others what they had learned.
Over the years, the small church grew… Still, there was the struggle of being a Christian without access to the Bible.
Krupa prayed for access to God's Word for nine years and stayed faithful.
Then, God blessed that church by providing Talking Bibles to their Pastor.
The Pastor was able to distribute those Talking Bibles to the families in that small, faithful church!
Now, Krupa listens daily, his faith is increasing, and he shares his Talking Bible with others. He shares God's Word with anyone who wants to hear it.
Please join us in putting 5,000 Talking Bibles among new believers in Odisha, India. Every $50 gift will place a Talking Bible. A $5000 donation will put God's Word in 100 different villages! People in Odisha will hear the God News about Jesus because you cared and made it happen.
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