Elema practiced her tribe’s ancestral religion. And paid the price!
Elema is a 25 year old, married mother of four who lives in South Ethiopia. She had never heard the Gospel or the Good News about Jesus before she heard the Talking Bible.
Amazing! After listening for several weeks Elema repented of her sins. When she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, God healed her. She was finally set free.
With tears in her eyes, Elema remembers, “Since listening to the Talking Bible my life has been touched. I was sick, full of fear, and attacked by demons. Now when I am listening to the Word of God, I am healthy, happy, and feeling freedom from demonic oppression.”
Elema and her family listen together. They are part of a Talking Bible daily Bible study group. The group of 15 men and women listen every evening for 30 minutes. They sit and listen quietly and then talk about what they just heard.
Elema’s life has completely changed. Her whole focus on life has changed and her values have changed. “I have learned many things while listening, including respecting your parents and respecting your husband. Also I have learned to keep away from evil things, like idols and amulets, and to fear the Lord.” she says.
God’s Word changes lives. People like Elema who are suffering, hurting, and lost need to hear God’s precious Word.
When someone is saved by God’s grace, they don’t keep quiet. They tell everyone they can. They share the Good News. They will play a Talking Bible for anyone who will listen. They will start a daily Bible listening group, and more people will hear the Good News about Jesus.
We need to make more Talking Bibles. The pastors in the area where Elema lives are coming forward with requests for more Talking Bibles.
God is at work. People are ready and eager to listen. More people like Elema need Talking Bibles. Unless we can supply them now, this window of opportunity for hearing the Word of God may close. Your gift will make an impact!
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