“Whenever we go to church, whenever we listen to [worship] songs, whenever we hear from the pastor, then only we could fear God,” says Durga. “But after leaving church, all the worldly things come to mind.”
Growing up, Durga could only hear about Jesus at church; getting there was difficult, and so was leaving. Durga’s family would have to travel by canal boats to another village to attend church.
There she worshipped, learned about Jesus, and felt peace. The problem was after leaving church. That's when the world's cares would come, and she would soon forget what she heard on Sunday. Durga felt like she constantly failed to be a Christian outside the church walls.
Durga does not know how to read, so when her church offered a printed Bible, it added more frustration to her situation. She held the Bible in her hand but could not read it.
As Durga grew older and started her own family, the journey was too challenging to make with her small children, and feeling like a failure at home, she drifted from the church, her only access to the Word of God.
Then tragedy struck. One of Durga's daughters died. She was distraught and confused with God.
Reaching rock bottom, Durga began to pray and asked God for an explanation. God reminded her of the story of Job. She began to understand the exact truth Job experienced when tragedy befell him: “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” She soon remembered that the only time she felt peace was at church.
Durga returned to God and His church. While she felt at peace at church, Durga still hated leaving; she wanted to hear God’s Word when temptations or grief would strike her.
Then God provided a miracle. Durga’s pastor was able to give her a Talking Bible because of support like yours. Now Durga can listen to God’s Word anytime. She no longer has to wait to go to church. She now has a weapon to fight against worldly temptations. Durga says she plays her Talking Bible continuously and tries to memorize as much as possible.
Durga can now meditate on God’s Word day and night. The world no longer has a hold of her; Christ does.
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