Millions of Christians in Bihar, India, live without personal access to the Bible, while others live in complete darkness and have never heard the Gospel. For the millions of non-readers in Bihar, a printed Bible is of little value.
The Problem: The world has over 770 million people who can't read.* 37% of the world's non-readers live in India. That means 287 million people in India cannot read a printed Bible even if they have one.
The Mission: Our mission stems from a strong conviction that everyone needs access to the Bible in their language. The purpose of Talking Bibles is to give non-readers, including the blind, access to the Bible in their native language.
The Solution: Talking Bibles for Bihar in the Bhojpuri language. To access the Bible, the people living in Bihar need the Scriptures in audio format in the Bhojpuri language.
By placing the Talking Bibles into the homes of NEW CHRISTIANS who can't read, the Talking Bible enables them to grow in their faith and share God's Word with others who can't read.
By placing the Talking Bibles in homes of people who have NEVER HEARD God's Word, His Word will work in their hearts, and many will become new believers.
Distribution: 5,000 Talking Bibles in Bihar, India.
By doing this, we will be helping the local pastors, evangelists, and missionaries to give people access to the Bible. Pastors and lay leaders who desire to witness more effectively will be enlisted to help oversee placement and follow-up.
This endeavor aims to transform communities by changing and softening the hearts of people to become followers of Christ and adherents to the moral and spiritual teachings of the Holy Scriptures.
Our Unique Approach: Talking Bibles International provides local leaders in communities with Talking Bibles in their native languages. National partners within these communities are trained to select homes where family and neighbors can listen to the Word of God together. These groups start small and then grow as more friends and family join.
Many of these homes where Talking Bibles are listened to freely, have people who would never talk with a local pastor or any Christian about anything, much less about Jesus. By placing Talking Bibles in these homes, we are providing a safe place for them to engage in the Gospel.
Local Indian pastors, evangelists, or missionaries who are already engaged in God's work, ministering to and disciplining the believers in those villages.
Believers who cannot read and wish to witness to family and friends will be strengthened, and their faith will grow as they use the Talking Bible to share God's Word with others.
The less fortunate and poor, who lack formal education and cannot read, will gain access to the Bible in a format they can use—audio.
Non-believers, who are willing to listen to the Bible, will be reached as friends, family, and neighbors are equipped with Talking Bibles.
How You Can Help: The infrastructure to distribute the Talking Bible throughout Bihar is in place. With Evangelists ready and waiting, will you help supply them with Talking Bibles? Help saturate Bihar with God's Word and give non-readers in every village a chance to listen to the Bible in their heart language. With your help, Talking Bibles will be placed with the Bihari people by spring 2024! Give Now!
Ram didn’t have access to the Bible, never heard a sermon in a church meeting, and only knew a few Christians in his small farming village in Bihar, India.
Everything changed when Ram was given a Talking Bible. After listening to the Talking Bible, he and his wife, Sajo, learned that God alone is almighty. With their unquenchable desire to learn more about Jesus, they listened to their Bible constantly.
“I received eternal life and was forgiven of all the sins, and I want to lead a new life now that I am born again,” says Ram.
We praise God that they have His Word, an essential for growth, understanding, and knowing who God is.
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