God’s Word Changes Lives!
I want to introduce you to Amos, a farmer born into a Christian family, but despite his mother’s continual advice, he simply refused to believe As a young man, Amos was terrified of death. In his mind, he would constantly see the moment of people throwing dirt over a fresh grave. It took over his thoughts and hindered his living.
With nowhere to hide from his fears and desperate for answers, God provided His Word to reach Amos. This is where Enoch enters his life. Enoch, an evangelist armed with the Word of God, taught Amos about the eternal life offered by Jesus.
The words penetrated deep into his heart; he knew he could abandon his fears and rest in Jesus, and he finally believed.
To this day, Amos has followed Jesus and says, “Now, I do not fear death because I realized that when I die, I’ll have a new life.”
Amos now has a wife and three children and provides as many opportunities for them to know Jesus as he can. Amos found it hard to fully reach his children, just like himself, at a young age, but for different reasons.
They are all loyal members of their local church in Tanzania and meet for a Bible study three times a week, but their Bibles are in Kiswahili and English. Amos and his family speak Kiiraqw, causing many Biblical truths to be lost in translation.
Then God’s Word once again changed everything; Amos’ Bible study received a Talking Bible with the New Testament in Kiiraqw.
This was Amos and his family’s first experience hearing the scriptures in their heart language. “I am so happy to hear that even our language is recognized in the world! My Children didn’t know that they could learn scripture in Kiiraqw. They only know about studying in Kiswahili and English.” Says Amos.
Now Amos’ children can be fully reached with the Gospel and grow in their knowledge.
“The Talking Bible changed our [Bible study] group because when we get it at home, we can continue to listen while in the field or while taking care of animals.” Each family in the Bible study takes turns bringing the Talking Bible back to their own home between meetings so that they can listen to more of the scriptures.
Amos also says, “It will help us to teach non-believers by using the scriptures.” In order to do that, they need more Talking Bibles.
Will you answer the cry for access to God’s Word? Give now and provide Talking Bibles for people just like Amos!
P.S. Thank you for being a part of Amos’ life-changing gift of the Scriptures! God bless!
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